David: I have not done a vanishing act. Got an emergency call to travel U.S. east and returned yesterday. I was reviewing my memoir before sending
it off to you when I noticed I neglected to devote words to a life and death (sort of) moment in my life, swore some yiddish and decided to devote some words and and pages to the matter. I’ll be all whole shortly and I’ll be with you. Sorry about that. I had asked elsewhere for some books you doctored. and then I found some titles with your name which may not be doctored lit but your own work. Fun writing, great cartoons (yours?) but I’d still like to see something you doctored or whatever you want to call it. We’ll talk soon…. Dick
I’m sitting here grinning like a fool and wiping a few tears away, too. What you wrote actually makes me look forward to turning sixty. Here’s to another sixty years with even more wild adventures and great loves and good work and fantastic food and being feverishly recruited for the over-100 softball league. Happy birthday!
Debra Dockter
Hi David,
I love this! Can’t think of a single thing you left out when considering what NOT to do when pitching!
Perry Brass
Great going, David. I thought you were going to say, “I vowed, then and there . . . never, never . . . to do it in a minute. But always take my time.”
I’m glad you went back on your vow, and now have a wife, a kid, and lots of great sex behind and in front of you.
Hugs, Perry
Suzanne Bott
Wow – wonderful (and quite exhausting)! So happy I have met Olive; now I know the rest of the story!
Dick Orkin
David: I have not done a vanishing act. Got an emergency call to travel U.S. east and returned yesterday. I was reviewing my memoir before sending
it off to you when I noticed I neglected to devote words to a life and death (sort of) moment in my life, swore some yiddish and decided to devote some words and and pages to the matter. I’ll be all whole shortly and I’ll be with you. Sorry about that. I had asked elsewhere for some books you doctored. and then I found some titles with your name which may not be doctored lit but your own work. Fun writing, great cartoons (yours?) but I’d still like to see something you doctored or whatever you want to call it. We’ll talk soon…. Dick
Eliza Cross
I’m sitting here grinning like a fool and wiping a few tears away, too. What you wrote actually makes me look forward to turning sixty. Here’s to another sixty years with even more wild adventures and great loves and good work and fantastic food and being feverishly recruited for the over-100 softball league. Happy birthday!
David Sterry
thanks ever so much you’re so kind! Hope all is well with you and yours.
Bradley Charbonneau
I don’t know how I got here to this page this afternoon, but I’m glad I did.
You wrote, “I feel a calmness, a peace, an enjoyment of life that I’ve never had.”
I’ve just achieved this recently too and it’s pretty much the best thing I’ve ever experienced.
Thanks for posting. Hope to see you, somewhere in the world, soon.