Author, book doctor, raker of muck

Mort Morte


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My new book Mort Morte with beautiful pictures by Alain Pilon. On my third birthday, my father, in an attempt to get me to stop sucking my thumb, gave me a gun. “Today son, you are a man,” he said, snatching the little blue binky from my little pink hand. So I shot him.So begins MORT MORTE a macabre coming-of-age story full of butchered butchers, badly used Boy Scouts, blown-up Englishman, virginity-plucking cheerleaders, and many nice cups of tea.Poignantly poetic, hypnotically hysterical, sweetly surreal, and chock full of the blackest comedy, MORT MORTE is like Lewis Carrol having brunch with the kid from The Tin Drum and Oedipus, just before he plucks his eyes out. Or Diary of a Wimpy Kid as told by Travis Bickle from Taxi DriverIn the end though, MORT MORTE is a story about a boy who really loves his mother.Here’s the story of how writing this book led me to the love of my life, my first piece on Salon.

A new review:

“Who do you think of when someone says black humor? Johnathan Swift? Joseph Heller? Kurt Vonnegut? Perhaps Roald Dahl?

Well, add David Sterry to your list. His newest book, Mort Morte is as black as sin and twice as fun. It all starts innocently enough. Our three-year-old protagonist, vengeful over his father’s depriving him of his binky, seeks revenge by shooting dear-old-dad with the very gun he had given Mort as a birthday present. Be forewarned, though. After that, things take a violent turn. This pithy little book with its delightfully cheeky artwork escorts us through murder after murder, each more hilariously executed than the last, before our hero is figuratively ridden out of town on a Texas-sized rail. Where does Mort go from there? Surely, you jest! Where else but Harvard? Buy a ticket on this one. You’ll enjoy the ride.”

mort morte the-mother picmort morte the bull picsketch-chapter-2(1)


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Morte Morte Movie

1 Comment

  1. David: I have not done a vanishing act. Got an emergency call to travel U.S. east and returned yesterday. I was reviewing my memoir before sending
    it off to you when I noticed I neglected to devote words to a life and death (sort of) moment in my life, swore some yiddish and decided to devote some words and and pages to the matter. I’ll be all whole shortly and I’ll be with you. Sorry about that. I had asked elsewhere for some books you doctored. and then I found some titles with your name which may not be doctored lit but your own work. Fun writing, great cartoons (yours?) but I’d still like to see something you doctored or whatever you want to call it. We’ll talk soon…. Dick

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