Jan 25, Watchung Bookstore, Montclair NJ, Pitchapalooza + Workshop limited to 25 writers http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=259774004073460
We’ve done Pitchapaloozas from Miami to Hollywood, Cape Cod to Santa Cruz. We’ve done workshops from Stanford University to the Texas Book Festival. But we’ve never done them together. Until now. Our workshop gives you the nuts & bolts to launch your book successfully, from platform, to pitch, to publication. Pitchapalooza is American Idol for books (only without Simon). Writers gets one minute—and only one minute, to pitch their books! In the last month, three writers have gotten publishing deals as a result of participating in Pitchapalooza. The workshop lasts an hour. Pitchapalooza ninety minutes.
Arielle Eckstut and David Henry Sterry are co-founders of The Book Doctors, a company dedicated to helping authors get their books published. They are also co-authors of The Essential Guide to Getting Your Book Published: How To Write It, Sell It, and Market It… Successfully (Workman, 2010). Arielle Eckstut has been a literary agent for 18 years at The Levine Greenberg Literary Agency. She is also the author of seven books and the co-founder of the iconic brand, LittleMissMatched. David Henry Sterry is the best-selling author of 12 books, on a wide variety of subject including memoir, sports, YA fiction and reference. They have taught their workshop on how to get published everywhere from Stanford University to Smith College. They have appeared everywhere from The New York Times to NPR’s Morning Edition to USA Today.