How to get published by the Book Doctors
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Being young is the greatest thing there is. Newest installment of show that focuses on really young people.

This is a song I wrote for my awesome amazing beautiful breathtaking and altogether extraordinary wife’s 50th birthday. Olive our 12 year old daughter shot and edited the video.

Just what the doctor ordered: Quarantine Qomedy!!!
A dude in Week 4 of Deep Isolation with his previously loving family comes down with a bad case of the Rona Blues. Symptoms include but are not limited to hoarding, restless leg syndrome, germaphobic paranoia, unnatural cravings and extreme cabin fever. Thanks to all essential humans who are working their asses off at extreme risk so we can sit around and make dumbass videos.

The Book Doctors interview master writer, epic researcher, novelist, best selling author and world-class talker Mark Kurlansky, who reveals the secrets to happiness, longevity and how to write a smash bestseller about a fish, and a condiment you find on every table in the world.

The Book Doctors talk about how important it is to build a writing community, and how to build one. And they do it from the Kauai Writers Conference!

The Book Doctors at Book Con breaking down presentation tipsas they explain how to pitch your book to get published.
WRITER ALERT! The Book Doctors & Jim Levine, Agent Extraordinary @Levine Greenberg Rostan on Voice, Platform, Rejection & what YOU need 2 get published successfully @TheBookDoctors #WritingCommunity #amwriting #amediting #Authors

Great insider information about how to get successfuly published and be a professional writer from Susan Bolotin, Grand Poobah of one of the greatest publishers in the world, Workman Publishing.

The Book Doctors talk about diversity in books, & get tips on how to get successfully published at Book Con from New Jersey‘s own Cheryl Willis Hudson editorial director of Just Us Books, an independent publisher of black-interest books for children and young adults.

The incredible poet Patricia Spears, Jones talks about being a poet, writing poetry, being a publisher, finding your community of writers, getting your poetry out into the world, and building your career as a poet

Grant Faulkner, Dir. of National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo for short, talks to The Doctors about overcoming discouragement from others, crashing your own gate, writing a terrible first draft, editing it so it gets better and better, and becoming part of a community of writers who support and nourish each other.

I was a preofessional white asshole on the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Will Smith was awesome. Here’s the clip.

Great interview with Wayétu Moore, writer extraordinaire, about books, writers and publishing with the Book Doctors

The Book Doctors interview amazing author Brad Parks. He has so many useful & fascinating things to say about how to become successfully published writer.

Do you have social mediaphobia? Scared opf Twitter? Terrified of Facebook? Shiver at the thought of Instagram? Get yourself a tween mentor. They know how to do everything on social media because their brains are hardwired that way. And, the work for Kit Kat’s a video we made to show you how.

The query gets you past the gatekeepers watchdogs. Or it doesn’t. Find out how top take your best shot.
The Book Doctors break down exactly what you and make an awesome query letter, and how to customize your query for submission purposes only

The Book Doctors scoured our archives to bring you some of our top writing advice from 2018. Ask us questions in the comments. Visit us at SUBSCRIBE:

The Book Doctors, publishing experts, fix the elevator pitch
of writer Melanie Doctors, who delivers her elevator pitch
for her book to the Book Doctors at Kauai Writers Conference … in an elevator! Their elevator pitch tips follow, as they help her become a successfully published author. Thank you, Melanie!

If you plan to query agents, pitch editors, or self publish, get your writing into the world before you have a book because it proves there’s an audience interested in your subject. Where to start? We’ll tell you how to pitch big publications and niche. Here’s what we cover:
- Publications that will build your platform
- Examples of bylines that landed book deals
- How to pitch publications and follow up
- Self-destructive impulses to avoid

Disreputable author service companies often masquerade as legitimate publishers. Here’s how to publish a book without getting scammed. Ask us questions in the comments.